Friday, June 18, 2010

Photos from E3, Day Three

This is a visual guide to E3. For comprehensive coverage and insight, thoughtfully written by Mark  please visit  I.EAT.GAMES.

All photographs copyrighted 2010 by Kate Kohl Fancher
















































Photos from E3, Day One

This is a visual guide to E3. For comprehensive coverage and insight, thoughtfully written by Mark  please visit  I.EAT.GAMES.

All photographs copyrighted 2010 by Kate Kohl Fancher

The South Hall lobby on the first morning of E3.

Attendees waiting to enter the exhibit hall.

THQ's Homefront banner hanging outside of the LA Convention Center.

Bethesda's Fallout New Vegas banner hanging outside of the LA Convention Center.

Part of Virgin Gaming's outdoor display.

The Halo Reach lobby display.

Detail of the Halo Reach lobby display.

Girl and gun #1.

Girl and gun #2.

It was like a flashmob of Toy Story aliens.

They were everywhere doing all sorts of things.

No one under 17 admitted, no exceptions.

Finally some games.

Attendees trying out the new Sony 3D tech.

The Capcom booth.

Zombie exploitation for Dead Rising 2.

Self deprecation for Dead Rising 2.

Unknown video game related event.

The PlayStation Move in action.

Rage display at the Bethesda booth.

The Fallout New Vegas display at the Bethesda booth.

Power Gig: Rise of the Six String had a small night club set up for their booth.

Performers play on stage while attendees try out Power Gig: Rise of the Six String.

Portal 2!

Taking some time to reflect at the Sony booth.


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

Plenty of attendees trying out the new Zelda.

Booth Babes.

Guys and Booth Dolls.

That is a very engrossing sign.

Life size Sims.

All photographs copyrighted 2010 by Kate Kohl Fancher